About DJS


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Ms. Sawatzky has over 25 years experience in the jewellery business. She has the coveted CAPP designation (Certified Appraiser of Personal Property) by the International Society of Appraisers (ISA). This is the highest level of recognition the Society can bestow. After successfully fulfilling all the requirements to become an Accredited Member of ISA, she went on to complete this more advanced appraisal and specialty studies program which includes peer review of sample appraisals, a specialty course or approved degree program in their specialty, required appraisal hours in each certified specialty and a comprehensive examination covering knowledge of appraisal and specialty disciplines. Attaining the designation of CAPP is an outstanding professional achievement for personal property appraisers.

Ms. Sawatzky is a contributor to the books by Renee Newman, a well-known author and one of the premier sources of impartial consumer information on gems, jewellery, and appraisers.

As accreditation in the appraisal business is voluntary, being CAPP certified is an assurance to the public that they are working with an appraiser who is dedicated to upholding the highest standards possible in accuracy, competency and integrity in their professional endeavors.

As well as her CAPP designation, she is also a Graduate gemologist (GG) and an Certified Appraiser Professional (CAP) of the Canadian Jewellers association.

Her services include:

Appraisals of antique, period and estate pieces of jewellery and related arts. She also has extensive knowledge of the modern jewellery industry

Assisting insurance companies and clients in the retrieval and/or replacement of lost or stolen pieces or works

Assisting families in estate division, divorce liquidation

Appraisals for damage claims and restoration

Sourcing (on a national and international basis) rare items for collectors, businesses and private clients

Acting as an appraiser and expert witness for CCRA (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency), banks, auction houses and law enforcement

Writing articles and lecturing on her fields of expertise.

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